Destination Direct Canada

FEBRUARY 24-25, 2025

Destination Direct Canada is the only Hosted Buyer program in Canada meant to exclusively connect DMOs, association executives and conference planners.


Destination Direct Canada (DDC) is excited to host the 8th annual DDC Hosted Buyer show as a live, in-person event during Ottawa Meet Week. The information outlined in this Duty of Care document is of vital importance for you and your safety. Please read the document thoroughly and be sure to check back regularly to keep up with evolving requirements to participate safely.


Duty of Care

Destination Direct Canada (DDC) is excited to host the 8th annual DDC Hosted Buyer show as a live, in-person event in Ottawa-Gatineau. The information outlined in this Duty of Care document is of vital importance for you and your safety. Please read the document thoroughly and be sure to check back regularly to keep up with evolving requirements to participate safely.

The health and safety of everyone attending the event including attendees, staff, volunteers, and suppliers is the top priority for Destination Direct Canada. As such, we may undertake preventative measures to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19 at DDC from Feb 4-5, 2024, in accordance with COVID-19 regulations by local health authorities and the host hotel along with and other venues offering extended social activities to delegates.

DDC will update this Duty of Care reflecting our ongoing efforts to ensure the safety and comfort of those joining us at the conference.

Personal Accountability Commitment
We are committed to following government regulations and guidelines as they apply to the COVID-19 as well as the requirements of local health authorities and our suppliers. Additionally, we ask all those attending to follow the attendance requirements and help us host a safe and successful DDC 2024.

DDC attendees, event organizers and partners agree to engage safely which may include, but is not limited to; proof of full vaccination, contact tracing, health screening, wearing a mask at all times in public areas, engaging in appropriate physical distancing and not attending the event if you are experiencing any signs, symptoms or have recently been exposed to, or diagnosed and not yet cleared by provincial health authorities as non-contagious with COVID-19.


Updated: August 11, 2024